
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter memories from the mouth of a babe...

Allen and Heather for Allen's 1st Easter
April 1982

Since Allen was a born I always kept a baby book , trying to record every milestone he tripped over or conquered.  My mother did the same for me too, so I carried on the tradition !  I don't have the best memory in the world so thankfully I did write down many memorable moments as he grew up! 

Allen naps on his first busy Easter 1982
Allen Easter picture 1982

 With this being Easter I wanted to share one of those funny times from Easter 1985 straight from his baby book, he was only 3.

" Nanny(my mother) gave you your 1st pair of black dress shoes a few days before Easter. You put them on immediately but slipped and fell to the floor because the bottoms were slick.  You jumped right back up and said "Oh Mommie, they are slippers!"

 Easter morning you were getting ready for your 1st time in an actual church service.You put on your shoes again, but this time your face lit up and you said, "Mommie, these are Jesus shoes!"

Allen in his "JESUS shoes"
   You and I picked your aunt Heather up and proceeded to church. We went in and took a seat.  the organ immediately started playing.  You sat up quickly and looked around with wide eyes. " Shh Mommie, I hear Jesus!"
   I hate to say it but you began to act up and I had to take you out of church.  You hunted Easter eggs later at Nannys!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Grand baby on the way

So, I have a new grandchild on the way, and I am SUPER excited!!!
I know I may seem to be a little giddy...well, I am !  
I have a right to be!
There's a tiny little new person growing right now and 
will begin a new chapter in 
all our lives soon. I am counting the days...135 days until due date
( in case you haven't checked the countdown clock at the top of my blog page lately)
I so, already love this tiny little person! So be prepared to be
bombarded with
grand baby stuff for some time  now!!


Baby Broadfoot 2-14-2012

Little Baby B's heartbeat!

Allen and Natasha

Allen's 30th birthday with his beautiful wife Natasha
carrying my grandbaby to be 3-3-2012

Proud Grandmother's to be...
Karla( )
Karla introduced me to blogging!

Two white lines between legs means...IT'S A GIRL! 3-22-2012


Our little girl's foot 3-22-2012
These are her little hands and arms

 Allen and Natasha went shopping after they found out it is a girl! 
Notice all the elephants! 3-22-2012

Kelly surprised me at work with these on 3-23-2012 after we found
out we are having a girl

Allen and Natasha have chosen a name!

meaning of the baby name Preslie

meaning of the baby name Reagan