
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Day with My Sweet Preslie 9-6-2012


A day with my granddaughter is a moment froze in time.
I watch her wrinkle up her nose and watch her eyes shine.
I count her little fingers so tiny and so sweet
and kiss the little sole's of her tiny little feet.

I look into her amazing eyes and sing a familiar rhyme.
Her daddy's favorite song, "You are my Sunshine"
She doesn't seem to care, my tune is off at bit,
She smiles ,she coos and seems to say
"Please Granny, don't quit!"


Though she's only weeks upon this earth, 
It seems she's always been,
A part of Granny's heart and soul
A tiny bit of Heaven.
by Granny Laura Brown 

Click below to watch a video of Preslie
(ignore her Granny's crazy baby talk, LOL!)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I Love Alabama Football

I love Alabama Football, I'm sure you can all tell. I can't wait till the day I can share that love with my new granddaughter soon! 
(... so I sneaked her daddy's Alabama hat on her for a picture a few days ago,couldn't resist, lol!)

...and a special thanks to my daughter-in-law for providing me, every year since my grandson Shawn was born, a personalized Alabama schedule, even though she is a die hard Auburn fan! 

Me along with ALOT of other people go into a totally new mindset when the boys of fall make their first entrance of the season onto a football field . I say this for all you college football lovers. Especially in the's in our blood..we live it we love it!!! Everyone enjoy this season and forgive me for my temporary insanity at this time of the year! ROLL TIDE forever!