
Friday, September 11, 2020

9-11 has a new meaning to me now... 9-11-2020

9-11 has a different meaning to me now. A year ago today I had no idea I was spending my last day with my dear sweet daddy!

 He wasn't feeling good at all and was taken the the emergency room in an ambulance.  I met the ambulance at the hospital and was able to sit with him as they tried to figure out what was wrong. He looked so frail and weak... he smiled and chatted with me even through his pain.

Several times he ask where Mama was (it was my mother he was asking for)... I assured him she was OK but it was to difficult for her to come to the hospital. 

The doctors and nurses poked and prodded on daddy. He cried out in pain several times( but  daddy never complained) I reached out and held his hand when I could to comfort him. 

After several hours they couldn't seem to find any reason to admit him so they told us we would take him home .  When we arrived at their apartment I got him into the wheelchair and took him in the house. He was still so uncomfortable. Mother had been so worried. He was so tired from the rough day , all he wanted was to go to bed. I took him to bed and even through his pain he still was able to make a joke and make me smile as I tucked him in. I touched his hand and told him " I love you daddy, I'll see you in the morning!" He said in his very weak voice, "I love you too baby".... I had no idea that would be the last time I heard his voice.