
Monday, December 19, 2011

Through all the Hustle and Bustle...

This time of the year so many of us get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

The rushing, shopping, pushing , shoving, grabbing and snatching brings us all to the point of
 total meltdown at some point in time.

 Being a retail employee we are all so mentally, physically, psychologically and emotionally exhausted by this time of year that many of us have been brought to tears at least once by now. The desperation that some people feel during their CHRISTmas shopping leads many to poor out their frustrations on we struggling retailers.  We all try to grin and bear it and go on with our lives but people can be just plain hurtful sometimes.
I've had 27 years of CHRISTmas's in retail. Every one of them I think to myself,
 " I can't do this another year!"...but I do.  

Set aside the craziness , there are a few bright points that seem to make it all worth while.
This year all of our bright point came this Sunday morning when an anonymous donor donated a substantial amount of money to pay off some family's layaway's for CHRISTmas.  Many needy families will have the best CHRISTmas ever because of the kindness of a stranger! There were many tears from the surprised layaway shoppers and employees.  It made everyone forget the craziness and remember what the real meaning of CHRISTmas really is.
CHRISTmas can be a season of great joy. It is a time of God showing His great love for us. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. You see, CHRISTmas is when we celebrate the birth of the CHRIST child. God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to be born. His birth brought great joy to the world. God gave us this GIFT... because he loves us.  This should be an example in our lives also giving our gifts of love.
My heart is overflowing with the giving and love of a stranger.  So many lives were brightened by a small act of kindness. 
This is what CHRISTmas is suppose to feel like!
Yes, there are Angels among us! And they are right here in Florence,Alabama!
Merry CHRISTmas to everyone!

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1 comment:

  1. I've been in retail business for 35 years until retirement 3 years ago. I've experienced 35 years of all that you described and have felt the same fellings of "can I make it through another retail Christmastime?" that you experience. All in all I truly loved working with the public, as you do Baby. it becomes a part of you and so do the associates you've known and the scustomerts who become your friends.
    These KMart Angels have renewed all of our faith in mankind this Christmas. I believe that God looked at the United States and saw Americans needed to see a miracle to restore our belief in this country's still being fundamentally, the God loving, God fearing nation that our forfathers fought and died to sustain throughout the years. We are basically God's people who deeply care about one another and uplift those who need it as shown by the wonderful KMart Angels.
    God Bless every one of them and give them His Joy for being willing to be His messangers this Christmas in Florence Alabama.
